You’re the one thing I swear I can’t outgrow
Don’t you know that we keep running back and forth without being aware that we’ve been run in different paths? When one asks to change the path, the other party doesn’t dare to take a single step. ‘Right person, wrong time’ they said, but are we really portraying the phrase perfectly?
I still don’t know what I really want. When I look at you from afar, I could see myself walking with you while laughing at our lame jokes. But when the reality hits and you come up close, all the things I’ve seen suddenly run away. It changed to the time you left, found other beautiful things out there, and walked away without even looking at me at the back even once. It changed to the worst scenario, every time you come up close.
Young love doesn’t last in life. We tryna hold tight to that one thing all this time. The thing that we thought could give us warmth, but eventually will burn us down. I might be getting a flashback and reminiscing about the things we used to do and have, and that made me fall again but maybe only to the idea of you in my head… so do you, you might only fall again to the idealization of me.