Bloom The Blissful Flower — Happy birthday, Sehun!
My youth is yours. I would like to cherish those moments for the first time again when the love is still way up to head over heels. When the butterfly rush in my stomach every time I saw you on the tv screen with that weird hairstyle yet still looked good on you, and how I smile ear to ear the moment you said your name, cute maknae sehunnie. I laughed way too hard the moment you imitate byeongari and had fun making a sound the same as it “piyak, piyak.” You didn’t know how cute you were and a lot of people would dare to pinch your rosy cheeks. That time, I didn’t have much fear, Sehun. I enjoyed being in love with you and your lovely brothers while also cherishing your music and performances. As cliche as a fangirl could tell, you were the reason my teenage life filled up with a lot of happiness and dare to have big dreams.
Time flies and you are turning 28. You are still as cute as the first time I saw you, still radiate younger brother energy. But you have grown up as a fine man who is dependable and has a lot of love to share with others. Frankly speaking, you are the resemble of daisy as you have the purest soul and value loyalty. People may see you as a cold person but little did they know, you are the one who help other a lot, the one who always be there for your brothers, and the one who care a lot. You are not good at showing how good you are, cause the thing you could think of is how to treat others well without everyone needing to know. Just like the day when you silently went to the orphanage, did the volunteer, and danced in front of the kids. You know what, Sehun? You made me fall in love all over again, seeing how good you are at treating others.
Bloom the blissful flower. Dearest sehun, thank you for choosing kindness and becoming someone who is dependable. You are indeed full of love, warmth, and happiness. May every step you take bring you to the shiny and peaceful path and may others also feel the warmth and happiness you are always trying to give. As the spring already come, it’s the time you bloom, my sweetest daisy. Happy birthday, Sehun!